

Lunch at the Ivy

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Sheffield.

  • Rachel
Monday, 17th of April 2023

I went for a walk this lunchtime to meet Mr D. The mission I'd been set was to clear away as much as possible of the ivy that was completely overgrowing his back door/window that needs replacing.

Mr D had all the tools to choose from (and an opinion on what ones I should use!) so the job was done in an hour or so. It'll be so much brighter once the window is replaced. The ivy extends much further than I could clear, unfortunately, up to the roof, covering an upstairs window too!

Mr D is a lovely man and was so friendly and apologetic for his home conditions. We had lots of chats about the flora and fauna in the garden. I'd love to come back and taste the cherries off the tree he was raving about! He didn't even mind that I cut through his washing line! 🫣

Report written by Rachel

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Monday April 17th, 2023 17:28

Great job Rachel!

Tom Mutton
Tom Mutton
Monday April 17th, 2023 22:20

Nice one Rachel!

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