
Community mission

Loop track

2 GoodGymers made their way to help the All Aboard Club Community Interest Company in Lewisham.

  • Greenwich runner
  • Julian Osman
Sunday, 11th of February 2024
Led by Kim Parker

Slightly rained on and 10 minutes early, that's how 2 GoodGymers found themselves at the start of this mission. We didn't stay like that for long though, with blue skies and fellow volunteers gradually making an appearance. And just as the hour turned up, so did the task owner with a car full of boxes.

Boxes quickly unloaded, it was time to start the big build. Now, the GG pair hadn't done this for a while, but it was a case of repeating old movements - track after track, under well orchestrated hands, a symphony of curves, connections, bridges and underpasses emerged. One GGer even managed to create his own little eternal loop, where trains never reach the end of the line. How many trains ended up there at the end of the playing session is anyone's guess.

Report written by Greenwich runner

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Help in the garden at the Ladywell Unit

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Kim Parker
Glass Mill Leisure Centre

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