
Group run

“Litter Picking?……Respect!”

2 GoodGymers made their way 4km to help their local community in Huddersfield.

  • Saul Muldoon
  • Kati Law
Tuesday, 24th of October 2023
Led by Saul Muldoon

Litter picking is one of those GoodGym jobs you rarely recieve any thanks for. Not that we expect thanks, but its always nice to have your efforts recognised. Admittedly you do get that lovely warm glow inside from knowing you've done a good deed in your community, but its not quite the same as someone acknowledging your efforts.

Kati Law and I spent an hour this evening in the wet and rain shifting all manner of fly tipping, litter and various other unpleasantness from the Birkby to Bradley cycleway.

No one acknowledged our work, I suspect many local people will not even notice, and experience shows the site will likely be just as filthy again in a few weeks time. However as I ran home with the litter pickers and hoops, a teenage lad outside a takeaway, saw me and asked "Litter picking?.....Respect".

Maybe that's all the recognition I need.

Report written by Saul Muldoon

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Greenhead Park Maintenance

Thursday, 8th of August 2024 18:30 - 20:30
Led by Saul Muldoon
Huddersfield Leisure Centre

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