
Training session

Let's not leaf it too late

13 GoodGymers made their way 10km on a training session in Islington.

  • Ax Man
  • Jess
  • Steve Coman
  • Andy Lulham
  • Lisa Stewart
  • Paul Bown
  • Tom Benson
  • Lucia Gobbi
  • Patrick Luong
  • Frances Powrie
  • Islington runner
  • Julia Moreno
  • ameachi odiatu
Sunday, 25th of October 2015

Run report written by Steve Coman:

Full of autumnal enthusiasm and leafy ambition 7 goodgymers met at Liverpool Street Station and set off for Theydon Bois to meet up with 5 others en route and start a sneaky Sunday ten kilometres through the reds, yellows and golds of Epping Forest. The weather forecast foretold cloud, but for us the sun shone and a glorious run was anticipated.

After a brief set of car park based dynamic stretches and the inevitable wait for the nautical and French contingent we set off from the station down a path that, whilst offering free blackberries to all, also gave a taste of the nettle on exposed parts. Shorts were perhaps not such a good idea but those of us wearing leggings found they were of limited use. Ouch!

Our titular leader Pauls Bown's boundless enthusiasm was unfortunately not matched by his map reading skills and we were soon retracing our steps looking for the bridge over the M25. After more seemingly aimless running we found our way and were off through the forest proper and here the run delivered in spades. Beautiful countryside, a decent pace and glorious early autumn rays. What more could anyone want on a Sunday? No task to complete at the end but a very warm welcome at a local hostelry where the odd pint and Sunday roasts were devoured with relish (not literally but you know what I mean).

With all needs and expectations satisfied we headed back to London on the central line. The only question remaining was how many folk would be contributing to the Christmas fund to buy PB a compass?

Next running adventure will be on Sunday 15th November - save the date

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Patrick Luong
Patrick Luong
Monday October 26th, 2015 23:13

Great run report Steve! And a grand day out (and pub lunch!) was had by all

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Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Simon Fitzmaurice
The Arsenal Community Hub

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