

Leafing things trim and tidy

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Slough.

  • Slough runner
Saturday, 8th of July 2023

Ms S suffers with arthritis and poor shoulder mobility so was unable to trim back an overgrown tree encroaching on the path. Whilst I had the hedge trimmers I was able to trim down a second tree that needed tidying up.

Next job was to neaten up a straggly box hedge and make it box like again. Lastly there were lots of dead leaves on the palm trees which I was able to pull away from the bark.

Once the green bin was overflowing, I called it a day, leaving a much happier Ms S enjoying her greenery.

Report written by Slough runner


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Amy L
Amy L
Monday July 10th, 2023 14:54

Fantastic work Jen - well done!! x

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