

Lazing on a Sunday afternoon

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Sheffield.

  • Rachel
  • Celine
Sunday, 26th of November 2023
Here's what Mr M of S6 had to say about the mission:

Thank you so much for your quick response and support it is really appreciated.

Mr M of S6, mission beneficiary

This was our favourite type of mission - inside, useful, achievable and a friendly beneficiary with the right tools!

We were called upon to help assemble a reclining lazy chair for Mr M as his current one isn't quite wide enough. We were worried it might be complicated or we wouldn't have the right tools, but it was quite simple and Mr M was well equipped with an electric screwdriver and every imaginable attachment plus an extra set of Allan keys!

The most time consuming step was to screw all the legs on, after which the back and side pieces clicked in place easily and the whole job was done in 30 minutes 👍. We finished up with a bit of "quality control" of the reclining mechanism and removed all the packaging to be recycled, Mr M very happy with our help.

Report written by Rachel

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she/her or they/them
Monday November 27th, 2023 12:12

it was a fab mission with lovely chat with Mr M - thank you for the report Rachel!

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Showroom Cinema

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