

Defeated weed Vs Decorative Tulip

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Brighton.

  • Tara Shanahan
  • Brighton runner
Friday, 3rd of September 2021

.Our task today was what we are used to doing but we never used to go to the place, i.e., helping Ms C to get rid of the weed in her garden instead of the churches and community homes that we used to go. Although the garden was full of weeds, it is not difficult for experienced GoodGymers. Tara & I removed all the weed in the flower bed and planting pots. Then, Tara used the decorative Tulips from the planting bed and put it to the empty pots. It looks nice and utilised the resources. We spent an hour to finish the task and we believe that Ms C can now enjoy her garden in the coming weekend.

Report written by Tara Shanahan

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Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Jane Dallaway
Angel of Peace

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