

Its curtains for the summer (curtains)

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Brighton.

  • Michael Pirrie
  • Amro
Sunday, 25th of November 2018

Myself and Amro met at Mrs. Fs to help replace her summer curtains. Since the cold weather has started to draw in Mrs. Fs summer curtains just aren't up to the task anymore so she asked us to put up somer thicker ones.

We made quick work of the summer curtains and began threading the eyelets into the winter ones, whilst Mrs. F filled us in on all her recent news. We do like visiting Mrs. F has she normally has some good tales to tell!

Much to Mrs. F satisfaction we got the thick curtains up and tested that they worked ok before clearing away the summer ones.

After this we gave Mrs. Fs wheels (trolley) a quick service so she is good to get back on the road! The handle needed a quick re-fixing and myself and Amro were on our way, enthusiastically cheered on by Mrs. F.

We took a run nice run back along the seafront alongside all the Sunday strollers on the Prom.

Report written by Michael Pirrie

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Alix Guerber
Alix Guerber
Monday November 26th, 2018 17:45

Great job guys, the seafront run sounds dreamy!

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