Hammersmith and Fulham

Community mission

It's definitely grown hyacinth we last looked at it! 🌸

2 GoodGymers made their way to help the Hammersmith Community Gardens Association in Hammersmith and Fulham.

  • C Harris
  • Bethan Critchley
Sunday, 13th of March 2022
Led by Bethan Critchley

2 GoodGymers arrived at Loris Community Garden this morning to help Myra from the Hammersmith Community Gardens Association with a little bit of tidying up and planting. We were off to a bad start, as the tool shed lock was jammed... some WD40 came to the rescue, courtesy of Beth who quickly ran home to grab it.

Once we had access to the tools, we could get to work. Today we concentrated on a couple of tasks: 1. Removing broken branches from trees damaged in last month's storms 2. Digging up lots of green alkanet - a task which a great deal of GoodGymers are VERY familiar with!

Clare began trimming the damaged trees, removing smaller broken branches with secateurs before requesting a saw to deal with larger branches. There was a very impressive pile by the end of the task - well done Clare!

Beth focused on removing green alkanet from around the daffodils by the pond. At this point, Myra brought an absolutely beautiful tray of hyacinths from her van, which she wanted to plant in the gaps between the daffodils. Myra started planting whilst Beth removed the green alkanet, before we finished off the planting together. We made a great team!

At the start of the task Myra had noticed a small clump of daffodils growing in the compost heap, which Beth set about trying to rescue. After a little perseverance and some gentle digging with a trowel, they were freed from the compost heap and re-homed by the pond. Meanwhile Clare had finished pruning all the broken branches, so assisted with the green alkanet effort.

We worked away in the drizzle for about an hour before calling it a day. Thank you to Myra for having us! The next session at Loris Gardens will be on Sunday 10th April - you can sign up here if you'd like to join us.

Report written by Bethan Critchley

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