
Community mission

Hoes N' Roses

2 GoodGymers made their way to help the Friends of Park Hill Rec in Croydon.

  • Kate Bowden
  • Jack Bowden
Sunday, 4th of June 2023
Led by Kate Bowden

A beautiful sunny morning we headed over to help at the community gardening session in Park Hill walled garden.

It was lovely to see lots of different members of the community come together to improve the garden and have a nice morning chatting in the sunshine. We set about weeding out some large thistles from the flower bed which were taking the water and crowding out the roses. We could only spot 4 when we arrived but as we worked we found the other two! Once we had cleared away a mountain of weeds to the compost pile other volunteers were able to come in to remove any leaves from the roses which were affected by the black spot fungus. We were able to hoe around the plants to keep the weeds away...for now!

It was clear to see the difference we made in just over an hour of work!

Report written by Kate Bowden

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Gardening with Pam

Tuesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Conroy
By the seats in the park area

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