
Community mission

Hidden Louise, Crouching Jo

2 GoodGymers made their way to help the Borough Food Cooperative in Southwark.

  • York runner
  • Lambeth runner
Friday, 5th of January 2024
Led by Sam Lefevre

Louise and Jo spent the first part of the session unboxing and sorting a mountain of food kits to place them on offer for BFC clients.

The target (which was exceeded) - build a tower large enough to hide Louise behind.

Then, after a dramtic swan dive, we assisted Bryan in systematically destroying the pyramid of empties and hugging a very full cardboard sandwich whilst waiting for a very late Felix delivery to bring in before leaving.

Report written by Lambeth runner

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Group Run: Litter Pick Bingo + Monthly Social [Peckham Bowls]

Wednesday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Sam Lefevre

Old Spike Roastery

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