
Group run

Herding Cats

7 GoodGymers made their way 5.8km to help the Breast Cancer Haven in Solihull.

  • Rob
  • Chris Plester
  • Stockport runner
  • Rachel Page
  • Andy Freke
  • Tousif
  • Josh Freke
Wednesday, 19th of February 2020
Led by Rob

For this week’s task, we were out braving the cold and rain, delivering flyers for Breast Cancer Haven in aid of their upcoming event on the 6th March.

Chris, Rachel and Andy told us a little about how they got on at the Community Mission on Sunday. They were helping AgeUK with their collection buckets in Tesco, managing to raise over £200! Tonight was also Chris’ 50th run, so huge congratulations to him!

We split off into two groups of three so we could deliver to both sides of the road at once running in between each house to keep warm. We managed to deliver all 400 of our flyers in no time!

It was then time to head back to base. To up the kilometres, we took a slightly longer route back, which included a few little hills to give us a bit more of a workout. Back at base, we had a quick stretch off and headed on our way home to warm up!

Next week we will be back doing good again, it would be great to see you there.

Report written by Rob

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Led by Rob

GoodGym Solihull runner

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Rachel Page

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