
Training session

Hail on the prom

3 GoodGymers made their way 5km on a training session in Ipswich.

  • Andrew Whitefield
  • Alex
  • Ipswich runner
Saturday, 4th of May 2019
Led by Andrew Whitefield

With Andrew keen to support his friend Georgia who was making her parkrun buggy debut with her six-month old son, Alex joined him for the trip to Felixstowe where they met up with Daniella; a Felixstowe parkrun regular.

The three GoodGym-ers met up along with Charlie who Alex had brought along for his parkrun debut.

After a steady start, Alex and Charlie went ahead whilst Andrew and Daniela continued together, with Andrew hoping to find Georgia who he hadn't managed to catch-up with before the start. At the Martello tower turn, Alex and Charlie were well ahead with Georgia nowhere to be seen, but shortly after Georgia appeared and Andrew had a decision to make; drop back to see Georgia or put in a big effort to see if he could catch Alex and Charlie. After pondering for a while he decided to go for it and try to catch up. The stretch from the Martello tower to The Fludgers is 2.5km and seemed like longer as he set off far too fast! There was no chance of overheating though, as Felixstowe was given a brief hail shower to cool off any overheating parkrunners!

Andrew eventually caught up and found Alex trying to keep Charlie motivated in what was probably his longest ever run. With the end in-sight, Alex suggested if Charlie was feeling comfortable then perhaps now was the time to speed-up a bit. Charlie was adamant that he wasn't going to speed up, but seemed to anyway! Andrew, Charlie and Alex stuck together with Charlie crossing the line just ahead and getting a time 1-second quicker than the other two. After having their barcodes scanned it wasn't long before Daniela and then Georgia plus buggy crossed the line and we all caught up before heading our separate ways.

A big thank you to all the parkrun volunteers! Here are a few photos by Ian Rafferty: * Where's Wally at the start * Where's Wally part 2 * Alex and Charlie heading towards The Fludgers * Andrew whilst chasing down Alex and Charlie * Daniela focused on the job * Andrew looking like he's put in a huge effort to get past the man with the paper whilst Alex checks whether there's enough room for some lead in his backpack for next time

Report written by Andrew Whitefield

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