
Group run

Full moon effect...?

3 GoodGymers made their way 6.2km to help their local community in Redbridge.

  • Elegia Clancey
  • Kathryn Hertzberg
  • Peter Van Tongeren
Monday, 26th of February 2024
Led by Peter Van Tongeren

Perhaps the full moon had some influence today.... it might explain the last day changes to the GGR crew.

In the end Elegia and myself set off from our Wanstead base to run down to the babybank to find Adam waiting with the offer of coffee & tea.

As per now routine we set to work sorting the bags of donated clothing by size, soon joined by Kathryn who diverted on her run commute to join us.

Time flew by chatting while sorting, bags were cleared before we realised. A few minutes of packing everything up and off we went again.

The new schedule is being sorted, so new babybank sessions will be logged as soon as dates are confirmed - will we see you at one soon?

Report written by Peter Van Tongeren

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Peter Van Tongeren
Led by Peter Van Tongeren

Runner, cyclist, rugby player, Redbridge Taskforce and Run Leader - who knows what else will follow :-)

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Bi-weekly group session - meet at Wanstead House at 6.30pm!

Monday, 5th of August 2024 18:30 - 20:00
Led by Peter Van Tongeren
Wanstead House Community Association

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