Fix Up, Book Sharp

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Hammersmith and Fulham.

  • Lucy Hill
Monday, 9th of August 2021

I took a break my tidying my room and getting rid of stuff… To help Miss C tidy her room and get rid of stuff!

A tour of her flat (and a meow to Miss Squeak, her old girl of a cat), Miss C showed me some of the items she needed taking to the charity shop. She had already rung up and they were happy to take her donations, it was just about getting them there.

I loaded up the first pile of books into her wheely case (which was also going, as it was too heavy) and a lovely handbag with some other bits and bobs in, and went down the stairs to find Oxfam. There was a slight issue, as I thought I could be clever and wheel the case alongside my bike. This was an error, as I managed about 20 centimetres before ending up on the floor, to the amusement of the guy cleaning his car (he did ask if I was okay, he wasn’t just laughing at me). I gave up and wheeled along - one hand pushing the bike, and the other pulling the case.

A mile later, into the charity shop I went and offloaded into Oxfam. The suitcase was now a lot lighter, so I could carry it as I cycled back to Miss C’s for round two.

Miss C was impressed that I could manage the suitcase alone (‘I think we might need a man’, she had said before the first load). She asked me about GoodGym, and I explained I did good - and that was my gym. She could probably see that as I was shining with perspiration after carrying over 26 hardback books down the stairs.

The second load of books were packed, and I took a few other items, before heading out again. Miss C made sure that was all from me for the day - which was lucky, as the other things she needed rid of were chairs, a table and some china platters! I didn’t make the same mistake twice, and walked with the wheels again, and delivered off the next two bags.

Take a book at me now, Miss C’s got more empty space!

Report written by Lucy Hill

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Tuesday August 10th, 2021 10:12

Well done, Lucy!

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