

Fine and Dandy-lion

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Sheffield.

  • Rachel
  • Celine
Wednesday, 19th of October 2022

After a nudge from Celine for some company, I signed up to help her with a task for Mr G. After what felt like 5 vertical kms cycling, I reached my destination very warmed up!

It was a simple but satisfying task, to dig over the beds where weeds had taken over. We soon realised we wouldn't managed to clear both sides of the path, so focused on doing one side thoroughly.

Mr G was very appreciative and chatty. Once he let us stop chatting and get away, we headed for lunch nearby, before I "wheee-d" all the way back down the hill home.

Report written by Rachel

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she/her or they/them
Wednesday October 19th, 2022 19:25

Thank you Rachel!

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Monday 18:30 - 20:15
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Showroom Cinema

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