

Choc Horror

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Wandsworth.

  • Lucy Hill
Saturday, 15th of May 2021

After a week’s hiatus of shopping for Mrs J, I was back, and Friday evening I received her shopping list for the week from her daughter V. I was quite used to this by now, and had could quite possibly do her shopping blindfolded around Asda, knowing exactly where to find her potatoes, her paper and her choc ices!

There are always galaxy chocolate bars on the list. Always. On the list from V it read: ‘galaxy smooth milk chocolate x12 bars (yes twelve!!!)’.

So I waltzed around the aisles in the big green supermarket in Clapham Junction, and having located the spaghetti hoops and tinned potatoes, I turned down to the confectionary aisle.

To my choc horror, there was only one packet of her beloved galaxy left. I made a frantic search to make sure there were none at the back, then harassed a store worker to see if they had any more. Alas. No. This Asda be the worst thing that could ever happen to Mrs J!

I carried on with the list, and paid up, before knocking on Mrs J’s door.

‘Hello it’s Lucy from GoodGym with your shopping’! I smiled at the bag on her doorstep. ‘Ooh did you remember my chocolate?’ She asked, having a nosy in the bag. I told her I did, and explained the situation... As I hadn’t been able to get her normal sized bars, I’d thrown in two of the big boy ones for good measure, to make sure she had her chocolate quota for the week!

She thanked me, and I classic Mrs J style she insisted on me taking a little something... She rummaged in the bag for one of the galaxies to give to me. I had to politely decline, as I had another trick up my sleeve (or rather in my backpack pocket). I whipped out a bar from my previous escapade to Mrs J’s - and told her I couldn’t possibly take another bar as I hadn’t finished my last. Mrs J didn’t give up that easily, and tried to get me to accept her chocolatey gift. Eventually, she accepted it was no, but made me promise to take a bar next week!

*I ate my the bar of galaxy at Wembley stadium, watching Leicester win the FA cup. So next week, I’ll have no excuses next time!

Report written by Lucy Hill

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Linda Cairns
Linda Cairns
Monday May 17th, 2021 17:39

Choc horror ->Choc happy ending - good stuff Lucy

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