
Community mission

Can we pick it?? Yes we Can!

3 GoodGymers made their way to help their local community in Bath.

  • Aaron Carrington
  • Jer Boon
  • Meyrick Williams
Sunday, 3rd of October 2021
Led by Jer Boon

T'was the morning of the 3rd of October when Good Gymmers Jer, Aaron and Meyrick met to embark upon an epic walk to litter pick across the north west corner of Bath. As Jer & Meyrick wandered towards Weston Park, Jer kindly allowing Meyrick to park his bike in his back garden, we met Aaron en route to complete this trio of eager litter pickers.

To begin with the weather was great, definitely not rubbish. It was litter-ally one of those beautiful warm mornings full of sunshine although a long line of cumulonimbus clouds were lurking to the west and moving ever closer as the morning progressed.

We pressed on up the hill to Beckford's tower and arrived rather unexpectedly at a playing field full of Sunday morning football at the top of Lansdown. To our surprise and delight there was also a cafe. Naturally we stopped for a cuppa and sat in the sunshine enjoying the rest after the long climb. Up until this point we had only managed to find a single empty beer can along the way and the rest of the journey provided only slim pickings as far as litter was concerned. Our used tea cups amounted to the majority of the contents of our litter bag, but well done humans of Bath for being so tidy!

We rounded off by taking a loop back down via the Racecourse and Kelston Hump where the rain began to arrive and we were caught in a slight shower, but it cleared up as we made it back to our starting point.

All in all a great morning in great company, although we would have to conclude that there isn't much litter picking required. Either that or there was a group of litter pickers ahead of us doing the same route.

Report written by Meyrick Williams

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Sunday 10:30 - 12:30
Led by Helen Conner

The George Inn

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