
Group run

Bridge the gap

7 GoodGymers made their way 4.6km to help the Antz Kids in Slough.

  • Manjit Birk
  • Slough runner
  • Brenda Simpson
  • Mehdi
  • Keith
  • Ali
  • Vineet Vijh
Monday, 5th of February 2024
Led by Manjit Birk

We had a relatively simple task today of leafleting for Antz Kids Activity Club, Beat the Boat 10k race and of course GoodGym

Our meet up point was Salt Hill Activity Centre with the aim of an easy jog around the park followed by strides before hitting the streets of Slough with a leaflet task. I'm not sure the strides had the same exciting impact on the team as they do on me but when Mehdi says

Yes why not!

Then why not? So off went Mehdi, Ali, Vineet, Keith and I as Jen and Brenda continued with their walking laps of the park.

We always love seeing Brenda, who is Jen's mum and partner in crime! Thanks for coming along Brenda.

So as we left the park towards Baylis Rd I planted the seed of 'hill sprints' on Horlicks Bridge... but I think they thought I was joking!

We split off into smaller teams/pairs to cover as much ground as we could.

Jen and Brenda went down Baylis Rd

Keith and Ali went down Bradley Rd

Whilst Vineet, Mehdi and I took Belgrave Rd

Although it looked like we had a lot of leaflets we all ran out of them within 25 minutes but luckily we had covered most the houses in our subsequent areas.

So hill sprints it is!!!!

Vineet was eager to do 5 reps so that's what we did!

Well done to everyone..

See you next week at Shaggy Calf Lane at 6:30 for a litter pick task at Wexham Park Hospital.

Report written by Manjit Birk

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Manjit Birk
Led by Manjit Birk

Area Activator for Slough....Running is my passion....Marathons to park runs and anything in between.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Walk Leader

    Lead a walking group to the task

    • Slough runner

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St Mary's Church Clean Up x 6th Birthday Fun

Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Manjit Birk
Upton Court Park

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