ALLOT-of-merriMENT at Clewer Green

16 GoodGymers made their way 3.0km to help the Clewer Green First School in Windsor and Maidenhead.

  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Amy L
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Jess Smith
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Michelle
  • Emma Foster
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Jack Douglas
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Ben Darracott
  • Caroline Bradley
Wednesday, 13th of September 2023
Led by Windsor and Maidenhead runner

For tonight's task we met at the Pirate Park in Windsor and had a short walk and run to our location, Clewer Green First School on Hatch lane. We were delighted to be joined by newcomer Caroline and returning new members Scarlett and Matthew.

Thanks to Anna for leading the walkers and to local resident Emma for showing us the way. Whilst the walkers set off Amanda led an animal themed warm up for the runners and after some sideways crabs, horsey gallops and chicken shoos the group headed off.

The task tonight was to create a children's allotment which included making 10 vegetable and flower beds as well as tidying up and painting some tables. There was no herbing of enthusiasm as the team got stuck into the tasks. Anna and Rachel were just the thicket to cut back the brambles to make the space more accessible. Jess and Caroline also turniped the volume on the piles of wood and cleared the piles of debris in no time. That was certainly their good weed for the day!

We were joined by local residents, parents and relatives so together we made a merry band of 22 volunteers.

GoodGym definitely don't moss around and Emma, Jack, Georgetta, Amy, Gillian, and Sophie got straight to work sanding and painting 2 outdoor tables. Michelle, Scarlett and Matthew parsley'd the test with the veggie patch construction. The winter nights are drawing in and we were soon cutting it vine as the light faded quickly but that did not deter the team who wanted to keep calm and carrot on, committed to finishing their tasks by torch and floodlight.

The evening ended with a quick fitness session on the field powered by squats, bum kicks and joyful pressups followed by a walk back to the Pirate Park. Well done everyone.

Report written by Windsor and Maidenhead runner


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Amy L
Amy L
Thursday September 14th, 2023 23:00

πŸ₯•Great evening! Thank you Amanda for expert leadership πŸ™ŒπŸ‘ and well done everyone for coming 😁πŸ₯•

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Led by Amanda

GoodGym Windsor and Maidenhead TaskForce member

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Amy L
  • Walk Leader

    Lead a walking group to the task

    • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Emma Foster

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