Allen was the key to our success

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Kingston upon Thames.

  • Rachel White
  • Rob Haworth
Thursday, 26th of October 2023

The job sounded simple - bring one couch from inside the bungalow, outside. However no-one accounted for the blocks underneath, which although we cleverly managed to swivel and pivot enough to get through one door way, getting through the front door was no simple feet...

Even after a bit of hammer time from Rob, we were still no more out than in. So Rachel went and knocked on the neighbors door and with the aid of his allen key set and and extra set of muscles, we finally got the sofa through the front door.

Next job was a quick hoover up of the bits of wood chipping left over from the hammering... Needless to say Rob needs extra training in this task...

Report written by Rob Haworth

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The Quaker Centre

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