
Community mission

A saw/fire success

8 GoodGymers made their way to help the Grow for life in Bath.

  • Ruth
  • Dan Laws
  • Jer Boon
  • Tanya Lock
  • Meyrick Williams
  • Eleanor Mackie
  • Katherine Porter
  • Jean
Saturday, 25th of February 2023
Led by Jane Flynn

Today, we joined a bigger group from Grow For Life, to take part in a charcoal party!

Wooden pallets do a sterling job of work at the walled garden: pinning things down; keeping things dry by keeping them off the ground; helping keep things dry by pinning them under tarpaulins; making makeshift tables; all sorts! We seem to spend a lot of time moving pallets around the site, and have even learned special techniques for doing so! They've become like familiar old friends in their time.

But today, for some of our friends, their time has come to an end.

Wayne has introduced us to the fire pit on site before. A huge hole in the ground, looming menacingly next to the polytunnel, like a makeshift hot-tub where maybe Wayne chillaxes with a prosecco of an evening after a heavy day's work. Today, its time was just coming into being...

Our task was basically breaking up pallets. Sawing, crowbar-ing, whatever it takes-ing to break the pallets into nice neat wood blocks which Wayne was carefully laying into the now aflame fire pit.

Charcoal making is the name of the game. By carefully controlling the combustion process, rather than burning away to nothing, our pallet wood will become charcoal. Which will then be used as part of the growing cycle.

As a reward, we finished up with tea and bacon butties (vegetarian option was also available).

Wayne will still be on site for much of the day, long after we’ve left, carefully layering up his pallet cuttings, and making heaps of charcoal. Before chillaxing into that prosecco as the sun sets over Newton-St-Loe.... 🥂


Big up to Ruth, celebrating a 50th Goodgym good-deed today! 🥳


And a warm welcome to GoodGym newcomer Jean.

Also welcome back to Katherine, doing a first actual job of GoodGym work after coming along to last week's slightly abortive effort at hedge laying. Glad that didn’t put you off!

Report written by Jer Boon

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Jane Flynn
Led by Jane Flynn

GoodGym Bath Run Leader

GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Dan Laws
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Meyrick Williams

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Sunday 10:15 - 11:30
Led by Meyrick Williams

Bath Sports and Leisure Centre

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