

a foggy first

2 GoodGymers made their way in a race in Hackney.

  • Peter Van Tongeren
  • Stephen James
Saturday, 23rd of February 2019
Led by Peter Van Tongeren

Fog rolling over the Marshes brought a chilly and slightly mysterious atmosphere to this 453rd edition of Hackney Marshes Parkrun. The possible chill didnt seem to deter many people, with 19 volunteers guiding the 358 runners from start to finish to barcode scan.

Goodgym was represented at both sides - Stephen did his first ever parkrun in under 23 minutes! Give him a cheer, that is one hell of a parkrun debute! And Peter joined the volunteering team, a debut at marshalling the runners to the newly placed barcode scanners.

This was only the start of a busy Goodgym Hackney day, with a further two community missions to follow:

a visit to hackney favourites, The Tree Musketeers, at their nursery

joining the E5 Postcode Gardener's team & Friends of the Earth for one of their 10x Greener session

Report written by Peter Van Tongeren

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London Fields mulching

Wednesday 18:30 - 20:00
Led by Joel Wiles
London Fields

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