
Community mission

Cutting it Vine

6 GoodGymers made their way to help the Richmond Furniture Scheme in Richmond.

  • Jack Concanon
  • Adam Stephens
  • Pippa A
  • Richmond runner
  • Richmond runner
  • Karla
Saturday, 16th of March 2024
Led by Adam Stephens

Our monthly visit to the Richmond Furniture Scheme seems to come around quicker and quicker every time!

We had six Goodgymers turn up raring to go on a glorious and much welcome sunny morning.

Both Jack and Pippa in particular seemed energised having run 10k and 8k respectively.

Once arrived, we were tasked by Lucy with finishing off clearing the back of the RFS building by cutting back and racking up the vines and the overgrown ivy.

Karla and Suze proved adept at chopping the vines back on the building, Adam focused on the undergrowth, while Chris removed the resulting debris.

Overall a job well done and we avoided cutting it vine.

You can sign up for the upcoming visits to RFS by using the link below.

Report written by Adam Stephens

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Helping to lay a path at the Sea Scouts HQ

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Lucy Hill
Tap Tavern

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