Rabbiting Around

5 GoodGymers made their way 3.0km to help the St Patrick's Montessori Day Nursery in King's College London.

  • Hounslow runner
  • Natalie Tj
  • Rachel Kearney
  • Sam Isaacs
  • Chloé Salmon
Tuesday, 15th of May 2018
Led by Rachel Kearney

We introduced two newbies to KCL goodgym this week... Welcome Sam and Chloe - give them a cheer!

We started with a warm up on the pavement, where we made an effort to remember everyone's names by matching up 'everybunny' with an animal - and it certainly worked! As we got going, 'Rachel the Rhino' led the way over Waterloo Bridge charging past the pedestrians (in a polite and gentle charging kind of way...). We had to stop half way for a sun appreciation photo - check out those sunshine smiles!

We were welcomed with huge smiles by Lynnsey at the Nursery who was ready with a list of jobs for us to get stuck into. 'Paul the Panda' was most excited to meet the bunnies, and was first to volunteer to clean out the hutches, with Sam opting to join him with the dirty work - nice one lads! I think Paul was a bit dissapointed that clearing out the hutches didn't involve much cuddling time, however he was lucky enough to have a cuddle while they were transported into the fenced garden. Check out the photos and give Paul a cheer if you think him and his fluffy friends look super cute! Meanwhile, with gloves and secateurs in hand, Nat and Chloe got stuck in to the gardening tasks, hacking at overgrown Ivy, tidying the edges, weeding, and dodging rabbits hoping around the garden! 'Nat the Newt' said she had NEVER done gardening before (maybe they don't have gardens where newts live?), but she did a great job so well done Nat - let's give her a cheer for her first gardening experience! The boys did a fab job with the hutches, including managing to catch one rabbit when she escaped the fence!! Lynnsey was 'hopping mad' about the awesome work we had done, and before we knew it it was time to tidy things away and say our farewells.

On our way back we stopped at the gardens in St Johns Church for a fitness circuit. We did tricep dips, burpees, abs, mountain climbers, sprints, press ups, supermans .... the lot! We even managed to incorporate some of our very own bunny hops, which 'Chloe the Cat' absolutely bossed - give her a cheer! (Perhaps she was more chasing the bunnies that immitating them..?). We didn't cover much distance on the run this week but the circuits definitely made up for it - top effort team!

As we headed back over the bridge 'Sam the Snake' took the lead snaking his way through the busy pavements until we returned back to base where we had a cool down and stretching session.

Don't forget about the King's Big Run happening this Thursday. Hope to see some friendly faces again soon :)

Happy hopping, bipity bopping!

Report written by Rachel Kearney

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Alyx Murray-Jackman
Alyx Murray-Jackman
Wednesday May 16th, 2018 18:30

great report! sad i missed it!

Matthew Stuart
Matthew Stuart
Thursday May 17th, 2018 10:00

A fantastic task, I wish that I had been there, I love bunnies.

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Rachel Kearney
Led by Rachel Kearney

GoodGym King's College London runner

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Hounslow runner

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