
Community mission

Keep calm and carriage on

1 GoodGymer made their way to help the All Aboard Club Community Interest Company in Lewisham.

  • Greenwich runner
Sunday, 23rd of June 2024
Led by Kim Parker

What do you call a locomotive that keeps sneezing? Achoo choo train!

On a beautiful sunny morning, one GoodGym-er arrived at Lochaber Hall Community Centre to help the All Aboard Club. This is a brilliant organisation that run play sessions for children with autism and ADHD to help boost their confidence, reduce anxiety and share their interests with other children in a safe, supportive and understanding environment.

Alongside several other volunteers, the task was to set up a huge train set for the children to play with, with the only design requirement being that it all joined up in the end! After an hour of building tracks, bridges, tunnels and stations our masterpiece was complete, and the smiles on the faces of the children as they arrived made it clear that we had done a good job!

Report written by Greenwich runner

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Help in the garden at the Ladywell Unit

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Kim Parker
Glass Mill Leisure Centre

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