
Group run

Without a shadow of a scout!

6 GoodGymers made their way 8.0km to help their local community in Greenwich.

  • Vickie Burns
  • Sarah Place
  • Ben Cooper
  • Hannah biggs
  • Hannah Biggs
  • Simona
Wednesday, 20th of July 2016
Led by Rachel Henry

5 awesome runners ran 7.5km on a super hot evening to clear a huge patch of weeds for the Greenwich Scouts!

Well last night was pretty warm to say the least, but it didn't stop the GoodGym Greenwich team from smashing out a decent long run and some kickass weeding.

We welcomed back Vickie who had done a few good deeds earlier in the year, and we also saw a new face, the lovely Hannah! Let's make her feel part of the Greenwich Gang and give her a cheer here! Really nice to meet you both! And alongside these two ladies, we had our main man Ben and lovely Lithuanian lady Simona!

Warm up time!

A few basic running drills to start off with (that we should all do before we run but let's face it, who does that?!) followed by some lunges, press ups, jumps and squats... just to make sure every muscle was raring to go and making sure those bodies were nice and warm (in case you weren't warm enough already :P).

We set off through the park, where it turns out the entire borough of Greenwich seemed to be hanging out! A quick pit stop at the water fountain and then off we went up the long, slow and seemingly never-ending hill! We got to the top, crossed the road and ran through Blackheath towards Charlton. 25 minutes later we had arrived at the Scouts!

We were greeted by Alan who had his wheelbarrow of awesome tools ready for us. Ben kindly wheeled it over to the corner where we would be tackling a huge patch of nasty weeds. We're talking brambles, nettles, low hanging trees, the lot. But these tools plus my GG Greenwich squad meant those weeds didn't stand a chance! They tried to fight back with their prickly thorns and stingy leaves on our bare legs but they really were no match. As the minutes went by they were getting pulled from the ground and ripped apart! The patch was getting clearer by the second. Really amazing work! After half an hour, the area was clear and 3 huge piles of weeds had formed! NICE ONE!

OK now everyone grab a tool..!

After a few poser photos (sorry guys) we headed back. The sun had gone down a little bit by this point and it was a lot more bearable! We went back through Blackheath Common (I think) and did a few intervals using the lampposts as markers. A few rounds of jogging and fast sprints was sure to get the heart going again! But try and incorporate this into your training, do it at the end of a run if you have a little bit left in the tank because it's so good for your speed! We turned back into the park where we did some tricep dips on the park benches, followed by some step ups on the next bench down.

After that we were done! A nice stretch and chat about dinner as usual and we were ready to call it a night :)

Huge well done everyone!! It wasn't easy in that heat but you crushed it! And it was a really long run last night too so very proud of you all! Keep up the good work and hope to see you next week for some window washing action!

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GROUP RUN - helping at Glyndon and Julian's 500th celebration!

Wednesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Rachel Henry
Woolwich Crossrail

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