When the sun is hiding, the daffodils are out

1 Goodgymer helped an isolated person in Windsor and Maidenhead
Windsor and Maidenhead

Sunday 4th February

Report written by Anne-Laure

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Mrs J was feeling a bit down with her back pain but our little session of gossiping helped. We had a good chat about womanhood and expectation of woman and she taught me a old English saying. Hopefully she has others to teach me next week!

Join us on our next session

Windsor and Maidenhead

Sanding and painting benches for The Mencap Society
🗓Wednesday 31st July 7:00pm

Help improve seating facilities for Mencap members and their carers and families

MeggieViv PurcheseAngela Shaw
5 GoodGymers are going

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Amy L
Amy L (she/her)

Tue 6th Feb at 9:00am

Beautiful daffs! My children were so excited this morning to see that our daffodils had opened. We were chatting about it on the way to school. Gad you had a good gossip. Well done x