Sunday 9th August 2015
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
On a beautiful Sunday morning we arrived at Hazel's apartment in Camden. She had read about GoodGym a whole ago and had remembered it for when she needed us. And today she wanted our help packing up some boxes before she moves to a new place later this month.
We got to spend an hour in her company going through books and papers, throwing some of them and sorting the rest neatly in boxes and marking them. Although she has trouble lifting heavier things Hazel was very hands-on and helped us a great deal by telling us what to do and where everything had to go.
Did we mention it was a beautiful Sunday morning? Hazel kept telling us she didn't want to keep us from spending the day outside, but she didn't realise being outside in the summer sun feels even better after you've just helped someone. That ice cream we treated ourselves to? Absolutely no regrets!
Come join for a social - fun - and active evening making a difference for this wonderful community organisation :)