Hedge your bets

1 Goodgymer helped an isolated person in Sheffield
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Friday 28th July 2023

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Report written by Sheffield runner

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The garden needed the hedge and lawn cutting. I cracked on with the front garden as that was quite a job in itself. And it certainly was a good work out with the hedge trimmer. Unfortunately I was alone after my planned companion was struck down by illness but Mrs M got involved in the work and we worked together in the sunshine. I left Mrs M mowing her back garden and it was looking great.

'Grow' are a young person's mental health charity in Sheffield that I volunteer for and they have a team of gardeners who do gardens at an affordable rate so we chatted about that and I found the phone number for any future help.

The garden is clearly really important to the couple and they like to keep it nice but it's a heavy job and needs keeping on top of.

I enjoyed my cycle out and it was a very pleasant afternoon. My arms will ache tomorrow!

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