Birthday beans

1 Goodgymer helped an isolated person in Windsor and Maidenhead
Windsor and Maidenhead

Sunday 14th April

Report written by Slough runner

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Mrs S was just waking up from a snooze when I arrived - it seemed like it may have been a power nap as she was full of beans and talked the hind leg off a donkey once she had fully come round.

She had a lot to update me on as she had been unwell since my last visit and still wasnt fully recovered when her daughter and grand children came to visit. She had enjoyed their visit though especially as her eldest grand daughter, who she hasn't seen for ages, had joined them.

It's her birthday on Tuesday so I had taken her a plant and a card for her to open on the day.

I can't visit her now for the next three weeks but that will mean we have plenty to catch up on next time.

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Amy L
Amy L (she/her)

Tue 16th Apr at 10:32am

Well done Jen and happy birthday in advance to Mrs S!