Joanna Lindley


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Mission Possible
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Joanna Lindley
Joanna Lindley completed their first weekend mission. 🎉

Sunday 14th February 2016

Mission Possible

Mission Possible

Joanna Lindley completed their first weekend mission.

Joanna has forgone the usual weekend routine. Instead of lie-ins, roasts and strolls around the park Joanna has dropped everything to run a GoodGym mission for someone who needed help. Respect

Sarah Moore
Joanna Lindley
Joanna Lindley run their first missions with GoodGym. 🥳

Sunday 14th February 2016

Mission accomplished

Mission accomplished

Joanna Lindley run their first missions with GoodGym.

Joanna has just done something they've never done before. Joanna has just run a mission; they've changed their running route and run to help someone who really needed their help.

Sarah Moore
Beth Hoskins
Beth Hoskins (She/her) went on a mission

Sat 13th Feb 2016 at 11:00am

Next up on the light progamme

4 runners met up in the drizzle, and shifted a seriously heavy TV.

We were clearing out a few other bits and pieces, but mainly it was that TV. A wide screen built before the days of flat screens, it needed all of us of us to shift it out to the allocated pick-up point.

Despite the weather, that wasn't the end of the day for us, as one rushed off to catch a train to the Worthing, one went back to see his coach, and one went for a couple of mile training run, and one dashed off for a 10k run to another missions across town (pausing only briefly to run back and get a photo of the TV).

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Ax ManSarah Moore
Joanna Lindley
Joanna Lindley signed up to a mission.

Sat 13th Feb 2016 at 11:00am