

Weekly well-being call reunited

1 GoodGymer made their way to help their local community in Slough.

  • Slough runner
Saturday, 17th of September 2022
Led by Slough runner

It’s been a few weeks since I have spoken to Mrs B. I missed two weeks due to holiday and last week only had a short window to call and every time I tried the line was engaged. We had a lot of current affairs to catch up on with the change of Prime Minister and the passing of The Queen and the vast TV coverage of both events. Mrs B is feeling her age more and more now - her mobility is poor and her eyesight is deteriorating - she is fed up with not being able to go anywhere and nobody visiting her (aside from carers). I have suggested to Slough CVS to do a referral to GG for a coach mission until the social visit is extended (hopefully).

Report written by Slough runner


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Upton Court Park

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