
Community mission

We did a straw poll and (litter)picked tea & biscuits 🍪

3 GoodGymers made their way 1.0km to help the Ham and Petersham Association in Richmond.

  • Kate Holmes
  • Kingston upon Thames runner
  • Kate Haworth
Saturday, 24th of November 2018
Led by Kingston upon Thames runner

Plogging has been flung around in the media this week and today seemed to be THE DAY for community litter picking- so many organised litter picks to choose from, surely we had to make one of them.

So we opted for the Annual Thames Towpath litter pick, organised by familiar faces from our Hamlands community mission. There had been intentions to parkrun just before but these may have been left at semi-executed intentions (a half-cycle and a half-run there, both ending in turning back to the warmth and dryness of home...). But we aren’t fair weather GoodGymers and headed back out to Ham for some plogging.

The more timely arrivals had set off in the quest for bigger bits of litter, meaning that we had the combing over, attention-to-detail litter picking to do behind them. This translated to picking up what felt like a zillion plastic lolly sticks and straws, although we did still manage to find the mandatory football and various other items that had been washed ashore.

We tried our best to match the level of detail that goes into GoodGym Cardiff's run reports, attempting to itemise what we'd each picked, but quickly lost track and concluded that somebody in Cardiff must do every run and task with a notebook to hand!

After moseying along the less-plastic-ridden other side of the path, we were greeted with cups of tea, got chocolates and biscuits - the perfect way to end a community mission and brilliant to see how many people from the community had turned out to care for the environment.

Report written by Kingston upon Thames runner

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Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Liz

Tap Tavern

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