Top of the table benchwarmers!

15 GoodGymers made their way 4.1km to help the Reconnection Staging Post - St Mungos in Hammersmith and Fulham.

  • Catriona Sibert
  • Hammersmith and Fulham runner
  • Helen Angharad Fagan
  • Sarah Rajabalee
  • John D Wren
  • Steph hallett
  • Beth Nelson
  • Rebecca Corbett
  • Tom Clough
  • Wandsworth runner
  • Andrew Swanton
  • Ealing runner
  • Catherine Moore
  • Rebekah
Tuesday, 6th of November 2018
Led by Beth Nelson

Our first Tuesday evening run in November with one noticeable difference, there was still no appearance of multiple layers, wooly hats (aside from Johnny's stylish number), gloves (I'm not counting gardening gloves!) and no considation rising when we all ran and talked. It was one very mild November evening in Hammersmith and Fulham last night which was very welcome since we had an outdoor gardening task at St Mungo's Reconnection Post!

A wonderful 14 GoodGymer joined me, including Hazel who came along for her first GoodGym experience, great to have you along! It was also lovely to welcome back Steph and Rebekah for their second GoodGym H&F group run in as many weeks and to have GoodGym Camden tourist, Sarah join us over in the west for the evening!

In line with usual formalities we all headed outside for the quick intro and round of the week's news.

I Guess That's Why They Call It the News...

  1. November Long Run (17th November) - This month's GoodGym long run is the 'Southwark Circle' starting at 11am from Waterloo Station. Sign up here.
  2. Adidas City Runs Fulham 10K (18th November) - If you're running the Fulham 10K next month, sign up here. If you'd like to volunteer and earn a 50% discount on the entry price of another Adidas City Run event, sign up here. Email Danny ( if you have any questions.
  3. GoodGym H&F Christmas Party - will be on Monday 10th December at The Distillers. To help us get an idea of numbers for the evening, please sign up here.
  4. GoodGym London Christmas Party! (1st December). Hosted by GoodGym Southwark. Fancy dress theme - the first letter of your GoodGym area. £4 donation. Lots of killer tunes and dodgy dancing! Sign up here.

And a BIG well done to Tom for his Thames Meander Half Marathon at the weekend and to Helen for her Weymouth Ironman Run!

Before setting off on our short 2km run up to tonight's task we did a quick name and number count, and warm up to get the blood pumping and pulses raised. Nicely warmed up and with Strava's set we all set off up towards Shepherd's Bush with trusty back-marker Jason, nicely fuelled by his pre-run coffee, ensuring that no one was lost en route. Much to everyone's delight (...well Andrew's eyes definitely lit up!) we made a couple of stops on our run up to regroup which allowed time for some bonus squats and wall sits!

When we arrived at St Mungo's Reconnection Post we were met by the Reconnection Workers, Chris and Lucasz. Chris briefly explained to group about the services they provide to vulnerable and homeless adults with complex needs in the community – as well as providing housing, they work with the residents to get them reconnected in the community or repatriated back to their country. Tonight's brief was simple, concentrate on tidying the bushes in the centre and along the buildings. Lucasz kindly gathered and laid out the gardening tools - a mix of shears and weeding forks - gloves and bags on the garden table, and everyone quickly gloved up and chose their gardening tool of choice and set to work weeding and cutting back the bushes as requested.

To weed or not to weed

As is often the case, it wasn't long before there was the question of "are these weeds or not?!" followed by contemplation and the decision that in this case we were not sure so best to leave them be for now....

The group had nicely split into three groups to tackle to the garden:

  • Group one tackled the bushes in-front of the building offices and entrance;

  • Group two tackled the bushes and beds down the side of the building; and

  • Group three (aka "group tickle" – see this week’s totally unstaged cover photo with a plant prop....) tackled the bushes in the middle, giving them a much needed trim and tidy.

Bench (im)pressing

With some efficient weeding, cutting and sweeping, in just over half an hour four large bags (bags that very much missed Sarah holding them open!) of gardening waste had been filled and it was time to say out goodbyes to Chris and Lucasz and pose for a group photo. A group photo which this week was very much a question of "how many GoodGymers can we fit on one garden table?" - answer: quite a few became benchwarmers or table toppers! With everyone head counted in we began our short 2km back to base via Brook Green for a quick fitness session.

Squat,squat, goose

First up was a twist on the classic children's game, duck duck goose, but much to my dismay quite a few had never played this as kid! With the rules explained - in this version there was the addition of squats or power squats - we had a good few rounds of close sprints, with those who missed out on being a 'goose' having a quick sprint to tree at the end.

One-hit number

Next up was fitness by numbers, the group split into two and numbered themselves 1-7. Amongst some planks, frog jumps and leg raises when I called their number they had to run to the tree to their left and back to the middle, with the winner each round being the one who was first to touch in on the first aid bag. It was closely run throughout and even featured a cheeky first aid bag grab and run...otherwise known as "you didn't say we couldn't move the bag!!"

With Andrew's fitness fix not quite achieved, he began a set of 10 burpees which the group wonderfully joined in on - impressive work guys! All that was left was a short run back to base followed by a cool down and stretch, nicely finished off with small celebratory slice of coffee and walnut cake!

Next week we're off to St Paul's CE Primary, sign up here, and don’t forget the last social on the year on Thursday in Bethnal Green! Have a great week!

Many thanks to Catriona for the extra photos and to Jason for providing a very handy portable floodlight last night!

Report written by Beth Nelson

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John D Wren
John D Wren
Wednesday November 7th, 2018 15:36

Beth … geography lesson required - "south of the river" - don't go there just like a London cabbie wouldn't. And I like my wooly 'at!

Beth Nelson
Beth Nelson
Wednesday November 7th, 2018 16:09

Whoops!! That'll teach me for not reading through, I meant west....thank goodness for the 'edit' button, no one will ever know ;-). And yes your wooly 'at is great!

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Beth Nelson
Led by Beth Nelson

GoodGym Hammersmith and Fulham Run Leader

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Hammersmith and Fulham runner
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Catriona Sibert

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