
Group run

The Root of all Evil

13 GoodGymers made their way 6.0km to help their local community in Islington.

  • Nicky Huggett
  • Sarah Moore
  • Ellie Collingridge
  • Alex Cameron-Smith
  • Paul Bown
  • Islington runner
  • Simon Loughran
  • Helen
  • Benedict Lumley
  • Georgina Neal
  • Pippa Williams
  • Stephen O'Shea
  • Peter Leach
Monday, 13th of April 2015
Led by Simon Fitzmaurice

What a lovely spring day for a run and a spot of gardening. We met at Highbury Crescent where we discovered that some alien activity had been afoot. Or had it? There were a few strange crop-circle-style patterns in the grass. We debated what it might be. Suggestions:

  • Art installation

  • Somebody on a wind up

  • A cover for a subterranean network of alien cells that appear like tree roots

  • Sleep-walking park rangers were responsible

  • Each circle in the pattern represents a spot for somebody to begin a Hunger Games style thing and there's going to be a cull of school children next week :-o

  • A tree fell over, then was zapped by alien spaceships and it left the pattern there.

What is it really? We may never know. We're definitely using it for some circuits next week though.

This has happened before! Check out this and this

So, we jogged the 3k up to Grenville Road Gardens where we were met by Jessica and Sarah. There were a few jobs to do tonight: a tree needed replanting, so there was a big hole to dig in the gardens; Nicky and Helen learnt how to use a hoe and got stuck into some more work within the gardens and everybody else had the simple job of uprooting some roots on the famous Timbuktu wild flower bed.

It turned out the task wasn't that simple. We got stuck in with spades, forks, brute strength and pick axes and set about upheaving several roots that really didn't want to be removed. One in particular - which for a moment we thought might be attached to a gigantic turnip - caused much struggle (and any suggestion that we weren't applying enough force was put to rest when Pete walked over with a spade that had been snapped in two). We stopped only briefly for a Toffypop and with two minutes to go all attention was focused in getting this monstrosity out of the ground. We even resorted to playing a tinny version of the Countdown theme tune via mobile phone. Perhaps this did the trick because we somehow managed to break the back of it just in time.

There are still several evil roots in the ground, which is why we're returning next week to settle some unfinished business.

Before saying goodbye we did some special garden circuits around Grenville. Run downhill to the fence, low walk around the perimeter, high knees drill half way up the hill, then run backwards the rest of the way before repeating three times. Nobody looked at all ridiculous - unfortunately a camera malfunction means this can't be proved, but Paul was victorious here - lapping most people - with Stephen following closely behind.

We made our way back, along the way continuing our discussion about the weird patterns on the fields. We stopped at Emirates for Islington's favourite "driving arms drill" (Nicky, I don't want to hurt you ...) before racing up the steps to the stadium. Alex took the spoils this time, but was very modest about it, allowing herself only a few jumps up and down and a couple of "YEYEYEYAY"s. We decided time was a bit short to do a lap of the stadium so carried on our way, all except for Paul, who did a lap then was never to be seen again. Spooky. Probably some more alien activity.

Off we jogged again and we had just about gotten our breath back when we happened upon a hill. Well, we had been practising arm drives so it only seemed right to blast our way up it. This time it was Pete, fuelled by root rage, and not happy with smashing gardening equipment to bits, who took the lead and didn't only get to the top of the hill first, but didn't seem to want to stop running at all.

We walked back down the other side to recover and had a few stretches while discussing what the lady in the flats opposite was cooking for dinner before saying good night.

But wait, the night wasn't over yet, because Sarah had brought along Tim Tams and according to people that spend their lives upside down these need to be enjoyed with a hot beverage. So, it was over to the pub to order six hot chocolates and get involved with a bit of Tim Tam Slamming. Delicious and thoroughly recommended, but do have something on hand to help you fish the Tim Tam out of your cup when you inevitably drop it in. Yum!

Apologies that several of the cool photos got lost because of my smart (yeah right) phone malfunctioning, but great night as always. Join us for more next week


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Pritesh Mistry
Pritesh Mistry
Tuesday April 14th, 2015 13:24

Simon...i'm sorry but you are getting worse and worse...not only are there treats at all your runs but now you are going to the pub and ordering hot chocolates...pubs are for beer!

Simon Loughran
Simon Loughran
Tuesday April 14th, 2015 21:43

Ok Mr Coca Cola :-p

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GROUP RUN- Highbury Quadrant Green Space Garden Maintenance - RETURN OF GROUP RUNS!

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Simon Fitzmaurice
The Arsenal Community Hub

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