

The Burning Bush of Bloomsbury

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Camden.

  • Dennis
  • Alexander Kenmure
Sunday, 7th of June 2015

According to Wikipedia (where I get all my knowledge)….

“As a powerful religious symbol, the burning bush represents many things to Jews, Christians and Muslims such as God's miraculous energy, sacred light, illumination, and the burning heart of purity, love and clarity. From a human standpoint, it also represents Moses' reverence and fear before the divine presence.”

Well two GoodGym-ers were faced with such an awe inspiring site on Sunday, as Alex and Dennis ran (sort of) to help out Mrs B with a rather wild bush that was taking over her sun-trap of a garden (hence it is a burning bush). After a little bit of strategic planning, we started to unpick the maze of roots and branches to free this mass of foliage from the railings in the garden. As Alex clipped and Dennis wrestled, we quickly freed the bush from its roots and behold(!) there was light in the garden again.

This was where the hard work began, as we realised that the bush truly of biblical proportions and that we would need to do a huge amount of clearing up to get it into the garden waste sacks provided. While Dennis manfully grappled with the tougher branches, Alex perfected his “bunch, clip and scrunch” technique to deal with the small vines. As the sun beat down on this epic struggle, there were moments of doubt and despair. But fuelled by some welcome glasses of water and a divine determination to see the job done, we managed to bag it all up in record time (too bad the record was probably slowest bagging of foliage ever…).

Mrs B greatly appreciated our work and sent us off with glad tidings in our hearts and hoping that she’ll invite us back to work on the rest of the garden at some point. Have a nice holiday Mrs B!

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FRIENDLY GROUP SESSION!! 💚 Finishing Touches to Our Redecoration Efforts at the Brady Arts Centre!!

Wednesday 18:15 - 19:45
Led by Alex Murtough

Opposite Barbican Underground Station

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