

Run-Cycle-Run - but where was the sun!?

3 GoodGymers made their way 6.0km in a race in Croydon.

  • Ryoko Uyama
  • Lila
  • Dom Tooze
Sunday, 12th of June 2016

The competitors ran a mile, cycled 2 and ran one more as part of the Croydon Duathlon in Croydon Arena.

The duathlons in Croydon are part of a series promoted by GO TRI and Croydon Council to encourage those new to exercise or multi-discipline events to give it a go. This is the 7th event over the past two years and hopefully many more to come.

As always there was a range of abilities from those looking to win and those improving their time from before. A few exciting sprints to the end and some very happy faces.

Although it was June and we were hoping for some sunshine it was not to be so congratulations to all the duathletes who came out on a miserable morning and ran and cycled through the rain - hope the tea and biscuits at the end helped.

Hope to see you all again!

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