
Group run

Run around the clock tonight!

5 GoodGymers made their way 10.0km to help their local community in Stockport.

  • Hannah West
  • Sian Dobson Hughes
  • Ben Foster
  • Stockport runner
  • Stockport runner
Wednesday, 15th of November 2023
Led by Sian Dobson Hughes

The Manchester 24 Hour Run Against Homelessness is a mass participation group relay run that is held over 24 hours. Runners and walkers set off together in waves to complete 5km laps in the city centre of Manchester, all to raise money for the Greater Manchester Mayor's Charity scheme 'A Bed Every Night'.

Each year, GoodGym Stockport lace up and run the streets of Stockport clocking up miles to donate to the charity but this year was a little special.

This year, GoodGym Trafford and GoodGym Stockport teamed up to run the relay laps in the center of Manchester with a whole host of running clubs from far and wide.

What an event it was! The bees were buzzin! On the hour and on the half, for 24 hours, runners set off on 5km relays to keep the city moving for a whole day!

In total, Team GoodGym clocked up a whopping 60km to raise money for A Bed Every Night Charity.

Can we beat it next year?

An epic Wednesday evening buzz!

Report written by Sian Dobson Hughes

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Helping the guys at The Grit on a secret squirrel project

Tuesday 18:30 - 20:30
Led by Sian Dobson Hughes
Life Leisure Avondale

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