

Raking Over Old Ground

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Bath.

  • Bristol runner
Sunday, 21st of May 2023

Another visit to Mr P in Whitchurch Village on the edge of Stockwood and thankfully the weather was much kinder than my last visit meaning that the clay based soil was relatively dry - I was certainly less muddy than last time!

More landscaping today, moving another small bush and turning over and de-weeding the soil at the top of the garden, then hoeing and raking it off to give Mr P the option of a rockery area or to extend the lawn up to the bushes.

As I finished up Mr P came to join me in the garden and we sat and nattered in the sunshine, which was a lovely end to the task.

Report written by Bristol runner

In partnership with British Red Cross First Call.

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Sunday 10:15 - 11:30
Led by Meyrick Williams

Bath Sports and Leisure Centre

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