
Community mission

Parkrunny Honey

4 GoodGymers made their way to help the Tree musketeers in Hackney.

  • Ruth
  • Peter Van Tongeren
  • Eva Sharpe
  • Toyin
Saturday, 28th of July 2018
Led by Peter Van Tongeren

After a stormy night with rain & thunder, Hackney Marshes parkrun was relatively cool compared to the last few weeks, but the sun was warming things up soon though. Strolling over to the Tree Musketeers nursery across the car park it was back to normal hot & sunny weather. So it came as no surprise that watering the pots was one of the main tasks ahead of us! Eva took to maneuvering a few hundred feet of hose around, with Ruth, Toyin & Peter on compost heap duty. After clearing weeds from the heap the girls set to turning over the compost and shoveling it into wheel barrows for transport to the other side where it will be used to plant new saplings. Having cleared a wheelbarrow load of weeds from the new pile, Peter set to wheeling the barrows up & down, barely keeping up with the shoveling. 25 loads later, there was a nice surprise in store - expanding one of the beehives! Dressed up for the occasion, Eva got stuck in lifting the beehive off its base, so an additional later could be added, before putting everything back together. The bees were relaxed about their house being remodeled, one even seemed to take the time to observe! Hive expanded, it was time to pose for a team pic before each made their way out, satisfied about a job well done.

Report written by Peter Van Tongeren

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London Fields mulching

Wednesday 18:30 - 20:00
Led by Joel Wiles
London Fields

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