
Group run

Paint Misbehavin'

19 GoodGymers made their way 1.3km to help the Lewisham Library in Lewisham.

  • Ben Jones
  • Adele Prince
  • Steve Lee
  • Jacqueline Francis
  • Katherine Donnelly
  • Eve Cartwright
  • Helen
  • Nikki McKnight
  • Eva Almon
  • Lucy Harris
  • Kim Parker
  • George
  • Barnet runner
  • Florence
  • Emily Finch
  • Wisdom
  • Nadine Martin
  • Abby
Monday, 10th of April 2017
Led by Adele Prince

Nineteen fine athletes took to central Lewisham, covering around 2km, tackling not one, not two, but THREE tasks and challenging each other to a Workout Off.

This week's Lewisham Love goes to Abby, who joined us for the first time - pop off and give her a cheer, go on!

What better way to start off a Monday evening group run than with a bit of celebratory back-patting? This week's heroes were Shanice and Kim, who both ran the 10k Run Through race in Greenwich Park on Sunday. 10k race you say? Yes, a 10k race with mega hills (x3) AND that heat! So very well done to you both, especially as this was Shanice's first ever race and Kim was seconds away from a PB. Winners.

We were very excited by tonight's challenge of three tasks:

  • finish off the painting at Lewisham Library

  • paint the walls along Burton's Yard

  • move some unsightly barriers near our start point

Yes, our very first multi-task run!

To warm up, we got to know each other's names, got in (and out) of a complicated arm-tangle then had a good heart-racing game of Lewisham Labrador (a bit like British Bulldog, but, you know, Lewisham innit?).

Thank yous this week go to Steve for being our back-marker (we always appoint a back-marker, it's no fun being left behind, so we don't let it happen) and to Kim, for stepping up to lead Team Lewisham Library. Good work.

First things first, we had to equip ourselves with paint, rollers and brushes so, as a group, we ran over to the library, where Anne-Marie and Ade met us with all the gear and some very handy supermarket trolleys. Here we split into teams, with Kim, Lucy, Helen, Shanice and George opting to finish what we started last week (well done also to Wisdom and Freda, who arrived at Glass Mill as we left, but caught up and joined in!). I'll hand over now to Kim, who has written a Team Library report (and you can see her superb photos above)...

Over to Kim

Five of us stayed at Lewisham library to finish the painting task we started last week, there was one corner left to finish that had been too dirty last week.

We quickly got to work repainting over some patchy areas from last week and starting on the corner that needed painting along, with braving the awful smell in the corner (even though the area had been cleaned and this was an improvement!). Just as we got started, Wisdom and Freda arrived at the library! We could do with the extra hands, not realising how high we'd have to paint so they got stuck right in and before we knew it there was only 15 min to go.

There was one last push to make sure all the painting was done, a group photo in front of the newly painted corner and then we ran as a group to the rest of the GoodGym Lewisham team at the second task of the evening.

Team Burton's Yard

As you can see from the photos, the rest of us made our way towards Lewisham Market and the alleyway that is used by market traders to store their barrows. When the market is open and the high street is bustling with shoppers, you wouldn't notice this unassuming little passageway but, as we soon realised, it's a vital resource for the traders in the area. When we were in the space, we noticed a plaque, low to the ground, stating 'This stone laid by Stanley Howard Burton 1930'. I couldn't find much written about this, but it seems Burton was from the Burton's men's clothing family and these stones were placed at the foot of their stores. I couldn't find any photos depicting a Burton's store here, but there is a little article here about the nearby Lewisham Clock Tower.

Once paint had been poured and rollers or brushes grabbed, everyone quickly set to work, digging in between brickwork to give a nice, bright finish. Every so often, we all stood with our backs to the wall, as barrows were towed through to the storage area behind. Satisfied sighs were heard, as one smaller group moved along from bricked surface to graffiti-covered ply and last-minute edges were reached with the help of taller friends.

Smiling runners appeared soon in the entrance, Team Library happily rejoining us, job done. A quick group photo was taken before packing up and heading over to...

Task #3

We were asked recently if we could help local community whirlwind Joe to remove some barriers that have been left around some new steps near our start point. When I had a look, I realised we could probably get this done really quickly. Yup, five minutes or so later and the barriers were lifted and placed near the steps, revealing a nice new walkway to access the shopping centre or station. Once they've been swept down (we didn't have any brushes), it could also be a nice spot to have a sit down ( we are hoping something will be done with the wonderful arches, such great potential!).

So that's three tasks complete and still a little time for a fitness session - what a truly bumper evening! We paired up and had a game of Pacy Racy (I don't know, sounds good), where the pairs run in opposite directions, aiming to reach their start point at the same time. A nice warm-up for our game of Workout Off - two teams, some huddling and conferring and some challenges to the other team (burpees were popular). Lots of encouragement and some good hard effort. Well done everyone, you should be very proud of yourselves!

As we stretched, we talked about next week. Yes, I know, Easter Monday but, as we enter a run of Bank Holidays, it's good to remind everyone that we do, indeed, run on a Bank Holiday. What better way to feel good before you head into your working week? Next week is another brand new task! We're very excited to be helping over at the Ewart Road Clubhouse, where we will be painting the kitchen, cleaning windows and generally tidying the outdoor space, lots to choose from. The run will be a bit longer, around 7-8km, but remember, it's split in two by the task. Sign up here to join in. There will be games and Easter treats :)

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Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Kim Parker
Glass Mill Leisure Centre

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