
Training session

Naked Running is harder than it looks

1 GoodGymer made their way on a training session in Ipswich.

  • Alan Bowley
Monday, 1st of February 2021
Led by Alan Bowley

So the challenge was to run naked! Well at least without your watch.....

And on that count I only partially completed this week's training session. My watch was worn but well hidden under three layers so not much chance of grabbing a sneeky peak.

The task was to try and run to feel and enjoy the run without those regular and frequent casual glances at your wrist, followed by lots of math as you try and assess your pace, your average pace, your rolling pace, and any other statistic Garmin / Polar / Fitbit / Coros , etc care to throw at you.

So on Friday I planned to run 5k twice and see if I could match my two runs for pace and feel. Obviously, the distance was planned out to finish at Greggs so I knew I has the right incentives in place.

And the results, pretty pleasing to be honest. Both runs completed at easy pace. The second run was slightly slower than the first (it was darker for the second run and had to pay more attention to my footings) but the average heart rate was 'bang on' the same (I may have also slipped on a heart rate monitor to help cover my modesty).

Was good to run with fewer distractions, it was good to run at 'conversation pace' and it was good to run and end up with a sausage roll as a treat!

Report written by Alan Bowley

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Removed User
Removed User
Tuesday February 9th, 2021 12:26

Great report Alan! Looking forward to the next challenge will def keep an eye out for it and will join you - well remotely!

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