
Group run

Missing litter picks and running

2 GoodGymers made their way 5.0km to help the Solihull Council in Solihull.

  • Rob
  • Stockport runner
Wednesday, 1st of December 2021
Led by Rob

Tonight saw Rob and Meera start the evening trying to find our missing litter picks at our start location, even the party goers chipped in to help find them, unfortunately to no avail!

Not put off by this, Rob And Meera decided it was still a nice night to go for a run, even with all the rain we'd had during the day!

We set off to one of our adopted parks, Brunton, with our head torches at the ready. This was Meeras first proper run since she completed the Coventry half-marathon in an excellent time of 2:30 raising over £800 for her chosen charity.

After a good run and chat, we finished of with some stretches back at base.

We will be back next week doing some more running and delivering flyers for Sustrans, hope to see you there.

Report written by Rob

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Led by Rob

GoodGym Solihull runner

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