Light-ending the load

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Kingston upon Thames.

  • Nicky West
  • Kingston upon Thames runner
Wednesday, 16th of January 2019

We braved the damp, dark January evening to help Mrs J replace lightbulbs around her house. She had been living with a dangerously over-heating desk lamp in her kitchen and a dazzling bright bulb in the lounge that was giving her terrible headaches. These issues had been creating great anxiety for Mrs J and she was grateful for GoodGym’s fast response to her call.

We quickly got to work and changed the bulb in the kitchen, however finding a suitable bulb for the lounge was more of a challenge. With Mrs J’s permission we tested out bulbs from lamps across the house until we found the right one for her and we all let out a cheer of de-light!

This helped to remove a couple of big worries for Mrs J and by the time we left she seemed in much better spirits.

Report written by Nicky West

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