Let it shine! 💡

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Hammersmith and Fulham.

  • Bethan Critchley
Friday, 21st of May 2021

On a rainy Friday afternoon, I headed over to Miss M’s basement flat to help her replace a lightbulb. Mask donned, and into her flat I went - I could immediately see the problem. Due to its crucial place in the middle of the hallway, this particular light being out meant that the route out of her living room was very dimly lit.

Miss M already had an appropriate bulb ready to replace it, and a handy set of stepladders to help me reach the high ceiling. In no time at all, I climbed up the ladders to take out the old bulb, checked that the new one was a similar wattage and popped it in place. Hurrah, let there be light! 💡

Miss M invited me into her living room for a cup of tea and a slice of cake as a thank you, which I politely declined (we’ve got to keep everyone safe from this pesky virus!) However, she insisted that I stay for a brief moment as she hadn’t left her flat in 5 months and therefore hadn’t seen many people at all. We had an illuminating chat about her life, as she told me about her first job working for the bank before spending 35 years working for Kensington & Chelsea council. She was fascinated by my work in research science too, and interested to learn more about Goodgym.

Miss M was delighted to hear that Goodgymers are handy with garden tools, and proudly showed me her garden - with the plot extending for 70 feet, she had lots of lovely green space to enjoy when the weather finally brightens up! ☀️

And with that, I was headed out into the rain to get back to work. Miss M thanked me again, and I assured her that the pleasure had been all mine - meeting her had been an absolute de-light!

Report written by Bethan Critchley

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Lisa Palmer
Lisa Palmer
Monday May 24th, 2021 09:12

Thank you very much for this lovely report. It's the first thing I've read this week and it has made a great start to the week. I'm so glad you had time to talk to Miss M for a while which must have made the experience very pleasant for her.

Monday May 24th, 2021 17:22

Well done, Bethan. This is lovely!

Bethan Critchley
Bethan Critchley
Monday May 24th, 2021 17:28

Thank you both! Miss M wanted me to send her thanks to you Lisa 😊

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