

Ivy Been Here Before

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Bath.

  • Bristol runner
Saturday, 28th of August 2021

A lovely Saturday morning as the task in Keynsham gave me the opportunity to take on the Somerdale parkrun down the road, which turned out to be a very twisty-turny experience!

This was my second visit to Mrs C who had kindly got some coffee, cake and chocolate ready for me, as I was given the task of tackling the ivy which has been taking over one side of her garden. A good upper body workout after the run earlier!

After 90 minutes or so the section under the trees was looking much clearer, although there’s still some further back which will need another visit - and possibly another parkrun!

Report written by Bristol runner

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Sunday 10:15 - 11:30
Led by Meyrick Williams

Bath Sports and Leisure Centre

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