

If money grew on trees we'd have really raked it in!

3 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Wandsworth.

  • Beth Nelson
  • Hounslow runner
  • Rebecca Taylor
Saturday, 8th of December 2018

Rebecca, Paul and Beth joined forces on a crisp but dry Saturday morning to help Mrs J clear all the leaves from her back garden.

After being led through her house and past the very nervous dog, Tass whom Mrs J was looking after for a friend, we were faced with a garden full of leaves. The autumn fall had well and truly occurred in Mrs J's garden, and aside from a few stubborn leaves hanging on a couple of tree branches, withstanding the wind the rest had very much fallen. There was quite possibly the most leaves we have ever seen on one lawn!

Leafing a good impression

Undaunted by the challenge we headed out into the garden. Rebecca opened the garden shed and located a couple of rakes that were soon to prove invaluable for this mission. Rebecca and Beth set about raking up the leaves and it wasn't long before there were many piles of leaves dotted all around garden.

Paul started on the 'glamorous' first job of bagging up one of Tass' present from earlier in the day. He then displayed some questionable time efficient bin bag work as he began to gather all the piles of leaves into the bin bags, one bin bag at time with the bin bags on the table at the furthest point....

Amongst chat of upcoming races and last week's GoodGym Christmas Party, with Rebecca slightly bemused to what the fancy dress theme was from talk of 'Where's Wally' and 'Haribo', and of course, puns!

The puns naturally led to some classic leaf pun songs...

"Rake me up before you go-go"

"If you leaf me now..."

"All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey"

With the latter having a fun fact and anecdote from Paul around the sky being grey, with the morale of the story being that a science teacher is always right!

As time passed, the lawn grass slowly began to reappear and the number of bin bags filled with leaves kept on increasing. With the soil to leaf ratio now very much more soil than leaf we decided to call it a day. All that was left to do was to take an after photo of the tidied garden and the 11 filled bin bags...

Leafing it to the imagination

...which unfortunately due to some phone technical issues, this after photo is merely a grey image and so we've had to leaf it to everyone's imagination of what Mrs J's garden looked like post-leaf rake and tidy.

Mission accomplished we neatly piles up all 11 bin bags outside Mrs J's house before we said our goodbyes to Mrs J and headed off home our separate ways.

Report written by Beth Nelson

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Monday December 10th, 2018 11:54

A lovely mission and an unbeleafable amount of puns, nice work! :)

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