

I-Miss-Sham/Mewie Armstrong/Not so Mr(s) Muscle (couldn't decide on a pun)

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Lewisham.

  • Mridula Iyer
Monday, 6th of April 2020

Afternoon Goodgymmers! I was asked by the lovely Mr P to get mostly Cleaning supplies and gloves. His primary request was to get muscle unblocker because his pipes had been clogged for days. Don't worry Mr. P - I got you!

I had called around earlier to check with Mr P as to the priority of what he needed, as I was worried I was not going to be able to make the budget. The main item which seems to have been jacked up in price are disposable gloves. I saw prices ranging from 5-9 pounds which seemed like a bit of a rip off. However with some persistence and visiting multiple shops, I managed to complete the shopping list and was on my way.

Mr P's Mr Muscle was on offer for 2 litres for £5, which I couldn't resist. A little known (possibly completely made up) fact, one of the main components of Mr. Muscle appears to be mercury, or at least this is what it felt like on my back. I decided to pretend I was in Marathon De Sables - though I've not heard of Mr Muscle being a mandatory item on a kit list. I think the Marathon de sables is a lesser race for it's lack of sink unblocker.

I finally made it to Mr. P's and left all the items on his doorstep. On the way back I met a cat, who I named Mewie Armstrong and gave him a back story. If he was a speedy animal, I would have called him Mewis Hamilton, which then made me think of Jenson Button, who I have an irrational hatred of - and as a result I was angry all the way home.

Towards the end of my walk, I walked by the starting point for Lewisham Group Run. Even though I haven't been to a group run for a while, I got very misty eyed about Adele's warm up games and how often I used to fall over whilst playing them. Group runs were my first intro to Goodgym and I've made some fantastic friends as a result. Hopefully these will be reinstated soon.

For the first time ever, I had more than one pun for this report. I decided to put them all up, for you dear reader. You're welcome!

Stay safe goodgymmers!

Report written by Mridula Iyer

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Becs Clarke
Becs Clarke
Tuesday April 7th, 2020 15:18

amazing report as always!

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