I can’t beleaf you did a mission on your Birthday!

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Kingston upon Thames.

  • Nicky West
  • Kate Haworth
Saturday, 26th of January 2019

Unlike many Birthday girls who receive presents on their special day, Kate provided her presence for others, by helping to do yet another good deed on her birthday! Such fantastic dedication!!

We arrived bright eyed and bushy tailed from our morning Kingston Parkrun (where Kate got a BPB (Birthday Personal Best!)). We were met by a lovely garden filled with many other bright eyes and bushy tails in the form of some very merry meerkats! There were pirate meerkats, military meerkats, professor meerkats and fire meerkats! They all kept a keen eye on us to meerkat sure we didn’t misbehave!

Unlike previous missions this garden was far from a jungle, with lovely paving and raised beds and we were worried that we couldn’t make much of a noticeable difference, but we set to work on the leaves which had rudely invaded the garden and before long the black bin bag was filling up as we were keen to leaf it clean and tidy.

Before we finished we were lucky enough to see Mrs P who thanked us for our work and even requested a weekly visit to do more odd jobs! We took that as a compliment of a good job well done and we headed home for cake and ice cream and birthday celebrations.

Report written by Nicky West

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Dom Tooze
Dom Tooze
Monday January 28th, 2019 12:25

Looks like you both did a fab job. Hope you had a cracking birthday, and well done on the personal best Kate!

Jane Yelloly
Jane Yelloly
Monday January 28th, 2019 17:10

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kate and great achievement on your PB

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